Hours: Tu, Wed, Th. 10-6
Fri 2-6, Sat 10-2
449 Pomfret St., Pomfret CT 06258

Old Sturbridge Village

NEW!! Pomfret Library is excited to now offer an Old Sturbridge Village pass! This pass offers patrons 50% off standard daytime admission for one party of up to four people. Special events or performances may not be eligible.  For the most up to date rates, policies and hours of operation, please visit their website here.

Book Bin

We’re excited to announce that Pomfret Public Library now has a bin to collect your used books! Drop off your gently used books in the Bay State Books collection bin, located in the back of the parking lot. In the past, donated books were stored in the library attic and sold at our annual Friends […]

Palace Project

The Palace Project  New to Pomfret! Enjoy thousands of free books from the Palace Bookshelf as well as exclusive titles only available to you in Palace. Download the Palace app for Android or Apple iOS today! GETTING STARTED GUIDE.pdf The Palace Project is provided courtesy of the CT State Library.  Download the app to your […]


Friends of Pomfret Public Library Friends of the Pomfret Public Library is a volunteer group established in 2007, dedicated to enhancing the relationship between the library and the community it serves. Our desire is to encourage and promote community participation and support for the activities and programs of the library and to assist in the library’s […]

Books by Bus

PPL Books by Bus Home delivery service is available to anyone who is physically unable to visit the library. We hope to meet the unique needs of seniors and people with disability, whether temporary or permanent, and their caregivers.  If your own health needs, or those of a member of your household, leave you unable […]

Poet Laureate

Pomfret’s First Poets Laureate Congratulations to Christine Kalafus and Nancy Weiss! read their poetry submissions here Pomfret’s Board of Selectmen approved a resolution in August establishing the position of Poet Laureate for the Town. The administration of the position is under the direction of the Board of Trustees of the Pomfret Public Library. As required, […]

Pomfret Party Supplies

Pomfret Party Supplies Don’t get me wrong, we love books here. Like, REALLY love them. But that’s not all we offer! After many years of hosting all kinds of events, we have a robust collection of items that can help make your next event more fun and less expensive. Balloon inflator – Save your breath […]

Building for Community

About the Project About the Library How to Contribute Buildng Project Update – January 2022 The building project at Pomfret Public Library is on track! The Town of Pomfret was awarded a new construction grant from the CT State Library in 2023, reflecting updated budget projections. Additional funds were raised to match the grant and […]

Friends of PPL

Friends of the Pomfret Public Library is a volunteer group established in 2007 dedicated to enhancing the relationship between the library and the community it serves. Our desire is to encourage and promote community participation and support the activities and programs of the library and to assist in the library’s growth and development.  Our purpose is […]