Pomfret Party Supplies

Don’t get me wrong, we love books here. Like, REALLY love them. But that’s not all we offer!
After many years of hosting all kinds of events, we have a robust collection of items that can help make your next event more fun and less expensive.
Balloon inflator – Save your breath for karaoke
10 x 10 pop up tent – for when the weather isn’t cooperating
Green screen kit – makes a great photo booth (comes with lights and backdrops)
Karaoke machine – *sings Spice Girls*
Cricut – Easy invitations! or banners! or whatever!
Laminator – Every great party starts with laminating…
Extra silverware – eaters gotta eat (32 place settings)
Tablecloths – (6, unbleached cotton, 4′ x7′)
BINGO! – We’ve got a full set up. You’re welcome.
Games/Activites – Marble run, Keva blocks, and more!
Candy Melting Pots – just trust me, it’s fun
and of course, we have a large back deck that you’re welcome to come use if you need to get away from all the party mayhem. That will give you a chance to read more. 😉