About the Library
Pomfret Public Library
- has about 20,000 items in its collection and hundreds of thousands more that in our digital collection
- serves over 1600 patrons from Pomfret and surrounding towns
- gets over 10,000 visitors in a year
- circulated 16,400 items in 2019
- hosts programs of various types for various ages every week, with about 2100 attendees/year


- 1739: The first public library in eastern Connecticut, “The United English Library for the Propagation of Christian and Useful Knowledge” was housed in the home of Rev. Ebenezer Williams.
- 1882: Pomfret Hall Library was formed as a subscription library with books discarded from the original collection. Membership was $1.
- 1911: The present building was constructed by Mrs. George Bradley in memory of her husband on land donated by Benjamin Grosvenor.
- 1928: The Pomfret subscription library became a public library, supported by town tax revenue.
- 1976: An endowment from the estate of Abilene C. Averill was used to add the children’s room and office.
- 1994: The Aicher Memorial Garden and deck was added in memory of Sarah Aicher.
- 2006: The Friends of Pomfret Public Library was founded for the support of library programs and services.
- 2008: The interior was renovated to accommodate lounge seating, public computers and an updated collection.
past donors
A Look at the History of Philanthropy, often from Women by Nancy Pritchard Weiss Even in Pomfret, we don’t live in a vacuum. The roots of our beloved Pomfret Public Library go deep into the community but they were also encouraged by attitudes and actions around the country. Our town and our public places are the products of the times ...
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Mission Statement
The Pomfret Public Library enriches
community members by providing resources, services and programs that promote curiosity and life-long learning.