Library Services Survey 2017 - Summary
Our mission: Pomfret Public Library enriches community members by providing resources, services and programs that promote intellectual curiosity and life-long learning in a welcoming environment.
Pomfret Public Library – Library Services Survey, February 2017
Summary of Responses
Total # of respondents: 76
Q1: Do you live in Pomfret?
yes: 71
no: 5
Q2: (optional): Age Group
60+: 19
46-60: 14
30-45: 2
young adult: 2
Q3: Public library use this year (all that apply)
none: 8
Pomfret: 52
Abington: 15
Putnam: 16
others: 17
Q4: What library services do you use (all that apply)
Borrowing from the collection: 60
programs: 37
disposal of used books: 34
Get help from library staff: 25
online collection: 19
meeting space: 13
other: 13
tech equipment: 9
parking and trails: 9
Q5: What improvements or additions should we make to the resources, services or facility at Pomfret Public Library?
18 suggested we enlarge the space “More space would be nice. A bit crowded in there when programs are happening”
20 suggested additional programs or services “more programs” “more hours” “interlibrary loan again”
9 suggested a larger collection “greater online selection” “more new releases” “expanded DVD collection”
4 suggested technology equipment and support “AED” “scanner” “tech classes”
Q6 & Q7: I want to live in a community that: and the library helps by:
23 responses were specific to supporting libraries, reading, and life-long learning
17 responses were specific to a community that cares for one another
7 responses were specific to support for education
5 responses were specific to valuing nature and the environment
4 responses were specific to improved accessibility
- “I want to live in a community where the library is an active, vibrant space. How the library helps: expand to include space for programming”
- “I want to live in a community that has good community services. How the library helps: Sponsor more varied classes and be a resource for meeting space”
- “I want to live in a community that cares about its neighbors! How the library helps: keep existing and being a place where the community comes together. I also love getting books and having the recommendations of the people working at the library.”
- “I want to live in a community that makes education and continuing education a priority! How the library helps: It does! :)”
- “I want to live in a community that is welcoming, friendly, inclusive and naturally beautiful. How the library helps: They are doing all of the above already”
- “My children spend most of their time enjoying the great outdoors. How the library helps: by having trails in the back and providing information on local areas.”
- “I want to live in a community that offers resources when you need them… How the library helps: have more accessibility/longer hours-more adult programs…”
Q8: Any other comments?
20 comments were specific to appreciating the library and the Friends of Pomfret Public Library
6 comments were specific to the need for additional space
4 comments were specific to support for Abington Social Library
2 comments were specific to the value of reading
2 comments were specific to a negative interaction at the library and to no longer needing libraries
- “Our library staff is wonderful, as are the Friends of the Library.”
- “It’s important to provide a meeting space for lectures, etc.”
- “Library is doing an excellent job given the space limitations and the hours it is open. It is a small town and can afford only so much, but staff is excellent.”
- “I love the present site and its coziness. I also know times and needs change. I’ll support what is deemed best.”
- “Keep up the good work. Continue growing with the times. Expansion would be good for this library.”
- “Need > parking. Our library staff is fantastic!”
- “Having two libraries in town meets our needs”
- “If we only support those community resources that we use, no community resource will be properly supported. I love the fact that Pomfret has public open space for hiking and hope that Pomfret residents support that so while I don’t make as much use of the library as others, I do support the libraries, both the Abington and Pomfret as valuable Town resources.”